PEG Christmas Party 2017

Podujatie Poprad

PEG Christmas Party

Dear ALL, The Poprad English Group is holding a special Christmas family party in the Cork Wine Bar. It will be on our usual Wednesday, the 20st of December, starting at our usual time.
It would be great if you could bring some nice home-made food with you which we will share. As it is Christmas we would not like to forget secret Santa So, if you can manage it please buy a small gift around €5 - €10 which we will place it under the Christmas tree.
OUR SPECIAL ON THE NIGHT will be Karaoke hosted by our very own Gabi.
At the end of the night, the Secret Santa presents will be shared, or when you leave if the singing is terrible -we’ll understand.
Our Hosts, Michal and the Cork Wine Bar, need to know numbers quickly – so if you are interest in attending please hit the interested button ASAP.

Miesto konania podujatia: CORK Wine Bar Poprad, Levočská 15, Poprad
Dátum začiatku podujatia: 20. Decembra 2017 19:30
Dátum ukončenia podujatia: 21. Decembra 2017 01:00
Pravdepodobné súradnice: 49.0552N 20.3072E

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Meno organizátora: Poprad English Group
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