Internationals Bratislava Christmas party 2017

Podujatie Bratislava

Internationals Bratislava Christmas party

Come with us and be the first to celebrate Christmas at the Internationals Christmas party on November 30th in The Club Bratislava. We have poised funny props, you only need to come in red and with good Christmas Spirit. You will also learn how other nationalities spend Christmas and meet a lot of great foreign people, can also participate in the raffle and win a variety of amazing prizes. At the entrance awaits for you a welcome drink. We are looking forward to celebrating Christmas with all of you…Ho Ho Ho.

Du that will be playing: Dj Magi —>
Entrance only 18+, you do not need to make a reservation, you buy your ticket at the entrance and you pay your own consumption

table reservations or any kind of questions to:

Entry fee:
all girls for free before 22:30
girls after 22:30 – 4.5 eur
students with ESN card whole night 3.5 eur
students with ISIC card whole night 4 eur
men whole night 6 eur
Every entry fee includes welcome drink
Welcome drinks we are distributing by 2 Am, so if you want to get it arrive before that time
if you have a birthday on 28. 11, 29. 11, 30.11, 1.12, 2.12, 3.12 or 4.12 you have a free entry (you need to show id)
We will be distributing welcome drinks by 2 PM after 2 PM you can not get welcome drink – so arrive to the party before that time

Miesto konania podujatia: The Club Bratislava, Rybné námestie 1, Bratislava
Dátum začiatku podujatia: 30. Novembra 2017 22:00
Dátum ukončenia podujatia: 1. Decembra 2017 05:00
Pravdepodobné súradnice: 48.1407N 17.106E

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Meno organizátora: International events in Bratislava - parties, trips, gatherings
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