Crystal Code to magic forest-7
Podujatie Banská Štiavnica
Crystal Code to magic forest-7
Srdečne Vás opäť pozývame na prechádzku rozprávkovou krajinou opradenou povesťami a legendami pod najvyšším vrchom Sitno. Siedme pokračovanie víkendového mini festivalu Crystal code to the magic forest je iba 8 km vzdialené od historického banského mesta zapísaného v zozname kultúrneho dedičstva UNESCO.
Chata (miesto, kde sa stracaju hranice medzi fantáziou a realitou) sa nachádza v prekrásnom prostredí Štiavnických vrchov, v blízkosti najväčšieho tajchu Počúvadlo. Na potulkách touto čarovnou krajinou buďte obozretní, pretože je možné, že zavčas ráno, ešte pred východom slnka stretnete na čistinke tancujúce víly, škriatkov, ktorí bubnovaním hlásia príchod nového dňa, čí permoníkov prebývajúcich v baniach, ktorí za dobré skutky odmeňujú, za zlé trestajú...
......pomocnú ruku a svetlo na ceste po jaskynných útrobách vám podá váš verný priateľ na cestách myšlienkovou subrealitou psyalaska
Aj tento krat sme si pre vas pripravili kvalitny medzinarodny lineup, lesnych elfov, trolov, škriatkov permonikov či lúčnych víl.
Chate Lodiar a Konvalinka rezervácie na t.č.: (+421) 915 830 678 Email:
izby-2-3-4 postelove,
moznost rezervacie 4 postelovych chatiek
Mnozstvo ubytovacich kapacit v penzionoch na Pocuvadle
Stravovanie priamo v chate, nebude chybat domaca kuchyna a bar.
ENGLISH version
Once more we warmly invite you to a journey through a fairytale land rich in tales and legends. At the base of lofty Mountaint Sitno, only 8km from a historic UNESCO mining town, the seventh installment of the weekend mini-festival Crystal Code to the Magic Forest will take place.
Once again we have prepared a quality international lineup of forest elves, trolls, dwarves, and meadow sprites. The chalet/cottage (the place where the borders between fantasy and reality become blurred) is located in the wonderful Štiavnický ranges, near the large Počúvadlo Rlake. .
When wandering around this magical country be mindful that sometimes in the early dawn before the sun rises you may meet nymphs dancing in meadows, pixies and gnomes greeting the new day with their rhythmic drumming, or dwarves from the mines who will reward good deeds, but punish bad ones. Psyalaska offers you a helping hand and light on your path through the deep caves of surreal thought.
Accomodation in cottage 2-3-4 bed rooms
Chata Lodiar and Konvalinka rezervácie na t.č.: (+421) 915 830 678 Email:
Usually incorporating dark, full-on and even techno, breaks or progressive in the same time in his sound Adam Hohmann aka Para Halu is one of the pioneers of the genre enchanting both night and morning dancefloors with his eclectic sets since 2002. His regular show Sci-Fi Propeller on radiOzora arrives this week for the fourth time already with another banging night psychedelic mix. Para Halu - also running his own label Psylife Records - is nowadays also busy working on exciting co-operations with artists like Fungus Funk, Psilocybian and others. The latest remix EP of Para Halu's earlier hit "Adrenochrome" showcases mind-boggling reworks from Electrypnose and Neuromotor and there are rumours going around about yet another remix release featuring
•●ૐ● MECHANICAL SPECIES-Forestdelic rec-Sweden ★ ★ ★
The project of mechanical species was started by Dahni Strauss 2012. Initially it was greatly inspired by the old school sound of infected mushroom, Followed by glowing flame and peak records. On the other end of the spectra influenced by classical music ranging from Chopin to Beethoven. Gradually his focus shifted from the concrete and melodical to the more abstract and he dived in to the technical dimension of cutting edge modern production. His music is now fused with various elements from all of his musical journey but a common theme which is radiating through all his work is the attempt to evoke a strong sense of story. Non-verbal tales without linear messages. A story where the need for explanation is extinguished, attempting of temporarily stopping the mind from its constant interpretation of meaning. Synthesis is something heavily entertained in his creation and he's currently exploring the deep audionomic space of wavetable synthesis, preferably combined with frequency modulation. He is collaborating with a wide range of artists and labels. But his Home is at the forestdelic family. He is also currently working on a psychedelic morning project aswell as a techno project Appearing on: day side
•●ૐ● SORROWMURK-Basic Algorithm rec-Russia ★ ★ ★
Sorrowmurk is a solo project of Eugene Martynov, who is certainly not a newcomer to the music scene. In the past, he was a member of the famous psytrance project Dissociactive, where, together with Slava Iskanyan, they released the highly acclaimed album “Blockout” on Acidance Records in 2005. After a long break Evgeny decided to start solo with fresh ideas, a deep knowledge of production techniques, and unlimited passion for creating cutting-edge psychedelic trance music.
•●ૐ● DR.SPACE-Forestdelic rec-Hungary ★ ★ ★
Psytrance Dj @Forestdelic rec. &
Miska a.k.a. Dr Space from Hungary learned and played traditional South-African music for years, and started his musical carrier in a psychedelic/space rock band, playing electronic drums, FX instruments and traditional percussions. As their concerts warmed up, followed by DJ/sets, he also started playing his own eclectic selection of different genres from trip-hop to psytrance. Gig by gig he felt more complete DJ-ing only for the dancefloor and played his first festival set as „Dr Space“ “ in 2009 @ 4.49 psychedelic gathering.
Thence he became well-known, and is considered one of the pioneers of the underground Hungarian scene today, asked to entertain the crowds at most domestic promotion crews', as well as many international parties and festivals in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Serbia, Israel, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, etc.
Since its establishment, he has been part of radiOzora’s DJ rooster and is a resident at O.Z.O.R.A. Festival.
He plays in the fringe of different sub-genres without stigmatizing it dark, forest or full-on, to pace a groovy psychedelic journey around 144-150 BPM both during the day and nighttime.
•●ૐ● CHRONOMATIC-Purple Hexagon rec-Russia ★ ★ ★
Chronomatic is a psychedelic trance project formed in Moscow, Russia in 2017 by Evgeny Martynov. Evgeny was previously known as Dissociactive (2003-2008) and Sorrowmurk (2013-present). The Chronomatic music is a blasting mix of modern dancefloor rhytms and psychedelic sound-designed melodies inspirated by old psychedelic rock, shoegaze and electronic music. At the moment Evgeny is travelling around the world and making a first EP. Chronomatec is signed under Italian label Purple Hexagon rec.
•●ૐ● TSUBI-Sangoma rec-Hungary ★ ★ ★
Tsubi has been an active member of the Hungarian psy scene since the 2000’s. He has been a resident DJ of the Avatar party series since the very beginning and also at O.Z.O.R.A. Festival, where he also plays a big role in program organizing and managing the festival’s web radio. In the past years he has played at all the noteworthy local psytrance events, in many European countries, and has also been invited to perform in Japan, India, Israel and Brazil. From the mega summer festivals besides O.Z.O.R.A. he has blasted the dancefloors of Boom, Sonica, Glade, Full Moon and S.U.N. festivals too.
More recently, he and Dr Space have launched their own party series, Labirhythm, presenting the artists and music that stand close to their heart to the Budapest audience.
In regards to his style, Tsubi is able to move among a really wide spectrum of sounds, he is relentless (and unwavering) in his search for the most contemporary soundscapes and the most unique tracks. With his two other projects, TSB and Tsu, his focus is on downtempo and techno, respectively.
•●ૐ● PSYSHADELIYAC- Zarathustrian REC-Iran ★ ★ ★
Psyshadeliyac a DJ and producer in Zarthustrian record label from Iran. began to work in this area from 2012 in countries like Iran, Cyprus, Hungary, Czech republic, India and Slovakia.
•●ૐ PSY TATYX-Zahadum Spehere-Slovakia ★ ★ ★
Jozef Holec, a.k.a. PsyTatyX, was born in Slovakia in 1992. He started with psytrance jorneys in 2011. His Dj career started in 2014. He played on lots of festivals, OA parties, clubs etc. in Slovakia and Czech republic. He like play progressive psytrance, psytrance with nice melodies and groovy basslines. He started producing music in half of year 2015.
He connected to remix contest Mahanada- Back to nature and make one remix. This Ep was released in December 2016 by Euroforix rec. (Denmark) He finished project called "PSYTYX - Time EP " Psy-Techno project with Psychasm. He contributed with 2 original tracks and 2 remixes. This project was released in January 2017 by Euroforix rec. (Denmark).
T•●ૐ● MR. TEACHER-Kalimeros-Czechia ★ ★ ★
•●ૐ● PSYCHOZIX-Kalimeros -Czechia ★ ★ ★
•●ૐ●ROBAS-Zahadum Sphere-Slovakia ★ ★ ★
•●ૐ● RASTADEE-Radical Karma/ChilloutHeaven – SLOVAKIA ★
•●ૐ● MAVERICK-Psyalaska Tribe-SK
•●ૐ● ACID STORM-Experimental crew-SK
............ and many more
◄QUADRATON crystal sound system►-main floor
◄PSYALASKA EV active SOUND SYSTEM►-aletrnative floor
En3 20,- all wend
one night 12,-
Chata ma obmedzenu kapacitu, vstup je len od 18 rokov
(vstup bude iba na predpredaj-online)
Miesto konania podujatia: Chata Lodiar, Počúvadlianske jazero 62, Banská Štiavnica
Dátum začiatku podujatia: 20. Apríla 2018 09:00
Dátum ukončenia podujatia: 22. Apríla 2018 12:00
Pravdepodobné súradnice: 48.4012N 18.8575E
Prípadné zmeny si preverte na webe podujatia Crystal Code to magic forest-7