Bazár na Devíne
Podujatie Bratislava
Jarmoky a trhy, Kam v Bratislave
Ďalšie podujatia v meste Bratislava
Bazár na Devíne
Príďte si vybrať svoje poklady v sobotu 12. augusta 2023 na parkovisko pod Devínsky hrad v čase od 10:00 do 17:00 hod. Náš bazár ponúka širokú ponuku starožitností, retro, vintage a rôznych kuriozít.
Partnerom podujatia je BKIS a MČ Devín.
Come and pick your treasures on Saturday 12, August 2023 at the parking lot under Devín Castle between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Our bazaar offers a wide range of antiques, retro, vintage and various curiosities.
Come and pick your treasures on Saturday 12, August 2023 at the parking lot under Devín Castle between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Our bazaar offers a wide range of antiques, retro, vintage and various curiosities.
The partner of the event is Bratislava Cultural and Information Center and Bratislava City District Devín
Začiatok podujatia: 12.08.2023
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