200. výročie vynájdenia bicykla s KOTVA a MC BROKO

Podujatie Bratislava

200. výročie vynájdenia bicykla s KOTVA a MC BROKO

Come and celebrate with us the greatest invention in the world as we know it. 200 hundred years of (not so) Bicycle!
We will cook - chef Katastropha
We will have a cold beerz
We will host a concert KOTVA and MC BROKO (bikepunx, bikehippies)


200 years since the father of the bicycle Baron Karl von Drais invented the 'running machine'

200 years ago in Germany Baron Karl von Drais demonstrated his newest invention: the draisienne (which was also known as the laufmachine, running machine or Vélocipède), a two-wheeled horseless vehicle propelled by its rider. Cycling UK's Historian Sheila Hanlon explains why without Baron Karl von Drais we would not have the modern bicycle.
On 12 June 1817, a crowd gathered along the best road in Mannheim, Germany to watch Baron Karl von Drais demonstrate his newest invention: the draisienne, a two-wheeled horseless vehicle propelled by its rider. Drais climbed on and set out for the Schwetzinger switch house, a strategic point along the postal route. Less than an hour later, he was back, having completed the 8-9 mile round trip in a quarter of the usual time. Two hundred years later, we salute Drais and his draisienne as a significant milestone on the long road of innovation leading to the bicycle of today.

Baron Karl von Drais

​Karl Freidrich Christian Ludwig Freiherr Drais von Sauerbronn (29 April 1785 - 10 December 1851), was born in Karlesruh, Baden, to a family of influential civil servants with minor royal connections. His mother was Baroness von Kaltenthal, his father served as a judge, and his godfather was the Grand Duke of Baden Karl Freidrich.

At a young age Drais took an interest in science and mathematics, studying forestry at his uncle’s private school before specialising in Mathematics, Physics, and Architecture at the University of Heidelberg. Through government connections, Drais’ father secured him a position as Forestry Master without a district in 1808, with paid leave to develop his inventions.

Drais’ was a prolific inventor. He devised a piano music recording system, binary algorithm for calculating square roots, periscope, typewriter, and a form of “secret writing.” His main area of interest, however, was horseless travel.

Miesto konania podujatia: Cyklo Kuchyňa, Shipping container, Pri Starom moste / Petržalská strana, Bratislava
Dátum začiatku podujatia: 16. Júla 2017 19:00
Dátum ukončenia podujatia: 16. Júla 2017 22:00
Pravdepodobné súradnice: 48.1357N 17.1158E

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Meno organizátora: Cyklo Kuchyňa
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